zaterdag 20 juni 2009
AU committe accused to work in defence of government
Government cut fuel supplies camp Kassab
As of 15 November Radio Dabanga is on air, a radio by Darfuri for Darfuri. Starting 1 December, news and information programmes will commence. Radio Dabanga reports from inside Sudan as well as abroad, producing independent news and relevant information for all Darfuri: city folk, villagers and herdsman, IDP’s, Refugees, Darfuri abroad and in Sudan.
Radio Dabanga will broadcast in vernacular languages, so that everyone in Darfur can understand the latest news about Darfur and its population. Programming starts in three local languages and will soon expand to four.
Radio Dabanga is a project of the Radio Darfur Network, a coalition of Sudanese Journalists and international (media) development organizations, supported by a consortium of international donors, humanitarian community organizations and local NGO’s. Radio Dabanga is conceived, operated and facilitated by Press Now in the Netherlands.